Friday, October 18, 2013

Helping People with Science

This article provides information about what physical therapists do, who they work with, and why physical therapy is beneficial.  I think the unique qualities of physical therapists are they work with people of all ages and they can mend many different physical issues.  One day, a physical therapist could be rehabilitating a senior citizen who is recovering from a hip replacement surgery.  The next day, that same physical therapist could be helping mobilize an infant who was born with a muscular defect.  I think it is amazing how a physical therapist can fix a myriad of physical problems such as; sports injuries, day-to-day injuries like falling or pulling muscles, loss of function in a limb from a stroke, birth defects, or loss of strength due to surgery.  Since physical therapists are professionals on how the body moves and works, they are able to help any human being; no matter their size, age, race, gender, etc.  Physical therapists use their immense knowledge of the human body to help people in need.  Physical therapists use their knowledge to rehabilitate people with injuries or defects so they can live normal and comfortable lives by regaining their strength and mobilization.  I just think it is inspiring that physical therapists go through school to gain knowledge that they will use every day to help people they do not even know.  That inspiration of using their expertise to aid people in distress and pain is why I want to become a physical therapist one day.  Attending college and earning a degree is a very difficult goal to achieve.  Becoming a physical therapist will require a lot of work, dedication, long hours, and it will be a challenge.  I know that all the hard work I put into earning my degree and all the knowledge I gain won’t be for nothing.  Every day that I get to witness a patient overcome a physical ailment and every smile I catch a glimpse of because a patient has recognized their triumph will make all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it.  I have seen first hand how physical therapy can benefit someone.  I have witnessed physical therapists rehabilitate my brother from sports injuries, a close family friend from seizures, and my cousin with autism.  I believe that being able to relieve and rehabilitate people of their physical pain will be an amazing and satisfying career that will never get old.

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