Tuesday, May 20, 2014

My Blogging Experience

Here it is, the last blog of my senior year.  I wasn't sure how this whole blogging thing would turn out at the beginning of the year.  I am not on the Internet in a blogging type of way, and this was my first experience with blogging. I thought that these blogs would be a really easy grade to make, but I was somewhat wrong about that.  Blogging definitely takes time, thought, and work.  It took some effort creating a blog and making it ready to start posting.  Then, the blog posts themselves were some work.  Especially like tonight when I had no idea these were due before midnight.  You have to pick a topic that you want to write about and make a somewhat decent blog about.  And why wouldn't you want to make a decent blog? It is your opinion and you should want to make a strong opinion.  Also, make it fun for people to read. It was also more difficult to write blogs because I didn't have a lot of time to read books this year so I had to find creative ways to find something to blog about.  These blogging assignments proved to be a bit harder than i thought they were going to be and the content had to have more depth than i thought it would need.  Overall, these assignments were different than anything I have ever had to do for an assignment.  Since it was different, it was fun and interesting.  Though I have to say, I don't think i will miss blogging.  And I don't think blogging will miss me.  BUT I will miss blogging for Mrs. Healey.  Thanks for being an awesome teacher for my senior year of high school.  Your class was always a highlight of my day, you rock!

Da Vinci

Recently, I read the DaVinci Code by Dan Brown.  I had seen parts of the movie so I knew I was interested in reading the book at some point.  I didn't have much time to read many books this year, but I am glad I chose this book to read.  It held my attention the entire time I was reading it.  It was one of those books that you hate to put down and you lose track of time while reading it.  I really enjoyed the mystery of the book and the action.  As the reader, you are constantly on your toes and asking questions.  I really liked how Dan Brown never revealed too much and always kept the reader guessing.  I really enjoyed all of the references to Leonardo DaVinci.  I wrote my first ever research paper on Leonardo DaVinci in eighth grade.  I have always been interested in Leonardo DaVinci and his work and his secrets.  I think it is obvious through his work that he was a very intelligent man and he may have known more than most people.  I enjoyed how much historical references and facts Dan Brown used in his fiction novel because I think it gives the book a more realistic feel.  However, that realistic feeling may rub people the wrong way concerning their religion.  It can be a controversial book, but I think it is important to keep in mind that it is FICTION.  It is a good read and interesting, but nothing to get your panties in a bunch about.  The novel has a very interesting concept, and some may say a plausible one.  It is a fun read, an exciting read, and I enjoyed every page of it.