Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Human Rules

These ten rules are a good start of guidelines for being human, but it is impossible to limit the human experience to ten simple rules.  Most of the rules I agree with, but there are a couple that I do not completely agree with.  I believe #3 is not completely true.  We do make mistakes, BUT mistakes are OKAY.  A mistake is when we have learned a certain lesson, but choose the wrong way anyway.  Making mistakes is part of being human.  The real trick is realizing the mistake we have made, and do not make it again.  We are not perfect, so there is such a thing as a "mistake".  And #7, others are not merely mirrors of you.  Sure, we have some similarities, but we are all different.  We are all our own person, with our own thoughts and opinions.  The real trick to this rule is knowing yourself, your thoughts, and your opinions.

As I said before, it is impossible to make a list of ten rules for being human because the experience is much larger for any ten rules.  There are a few rules that I would add to this list.
#11 We do make mistakes, but do not be afraid to make them. Learn from them. Share your mistakes so others can learn from them.
#12 Take every moment you can to laugh and love life, it is short.
#13 Do not be scared to ask for help.  There are so many humans for a reason...to join together and assist one another.
#14 Always strive to meet your full potential.  Each one of us has been given gifts, talents, intelligence, and much more.  Strive to express those gifts in every way you can.
#15 Share your happiness with others.  Not only will it make other people happy, it will make you happier.
#16 How can one forget to include the golden rule, "Do unto others as you would want them to do unto you."  Always treat people with kindness, it will go a long way.
#17 Do not stress the little things.  It will drive you crazy.  Think to yourself, "does this really matter?"
#18 Impermanence.  Remember, people change, situations change, everything changes.  If you are having a bad day, it won't stay bad forever.
#19 Stay positive.
#20 There is nothing you can not handle.  When things get hard, remember that you were made to thrive and succeed.  There is nothing that can destroy your human spirit.

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