Monday, January 6, 2014

Midterm Motivation

Would you like me to give you a formula for success? It's quite simple, really. Double your rate of failure. You are thinking of failure as the enemy of success. But it isn't at all. You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember, that's where you will find success. -John Watson

A quote about motivation and success seemed appropriate with midterms next week and senioritis striking hard.  Of course I was thinking something along the lines of "Keep going.  You can do it.  Don't give up."  But one about failing seems even better.  Midterms aren't looking too good when all of our energy is spent, our stress is through the roof, and our motivation is beginning to lag.  So, remember, failure isn't always a bad thing.  Get an F on a midterm here and there?  Don't sweat, learn from it.  Do better on midterms next year...oh wait, that's right, midterms don't exist in  All jokes aside, this is a great quote.  We can't be perfect all the time.  There will be times that we fail.  But failure shouldn't discourage us.  We can only get better from there.  I definitely agree that in failure you find success.  I know when I fail at something I get determined to succeed.  Mistakes are a great learning tool when you are able to realize the mistake and fix it.  As Aaliyah once said, "If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again."  Life is full of failure.  But failure can lead to even greater success if you don't let it discourage you.

I Like Green Eggs and Ham

Green Eggs and Ham
By Dr. Suess

While looking for something short to read to write a blog entry about, I came across some books my siblings and I used to read when we were little.  My favorite, Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Suess, was among them.  How could I not post an entry about Green Eggs and Ham?  It's a classic.  I read it again after years of not giving it a second glance.  It still amuses me and holds my attention.  That's one of the great things about any Dr.Suess book.  No matter how old you get, his books are fun to read.  Dr. Suess was a master of rhyme.  He was like the first and best white rapper.  Eminem has nothing on Dr. Suess.  Will the real Sam I Am please stand up.  The imaginative detail in Green Eggs and Ham really sparks one's senses.  The fun made up words always makes it entertaining to read.  And of course, how short the rhyme schemes and story is really appeals to lazy high school readers.  I don't think anyone is too old to read a good Dr. Suess book.  His unique stories are timeless and have no age limit.  His stories are jam packed full of literary devices.  Rhyming of course "I do not like green eggs and ham.  I do not like them Sam I am."  Assonance- "box, fox".  Alliteration- "them, there".  There is plenty of imagery and all sorts of other literary devices.  Of course to small children, the story just holds their attention with fun and ear-catching language.  But as someone gets older and receives some background on poetry, you notice the the foundation of the writing which can also be fun.  Fun fact!  Green Eggs and Ham uses a total of 50 words throughout the whole story.  Dr. Suess was without a doubt an amazing writer and I don't think his work should be limited to children.  His work is still entertaining to read as an eighteen year old.  I'm not ashamed.  I would rather read Green Eggs and Ham than Oepidus Rex.  #sorrynotsorry