Friday, October 18, 2013

The Hunger Games

The Hunger Games is a novel written by Suzanne Collins.  I believe this novel displays many different themes.  One theme I think stands out as important is the value of life.  I think valuing your life along with the lives of others is very important in this world because of the human condition that we only live once.  I also believe that our world has become corrupt and we do not value life as we should.  So, it is inspiring that a modern author has written a book that constantly shows someone valuing life in the midst of violence and death.  An example of life being valued is when Katniss volunteers as tribute for her little sister.  This act shows that she is willing to give up her own life for her sister's life.  Although she is ready to give her life, she is valuing her younger sister's life.  This is a very touching act of love and valuing life.  I think people in today's world should value life as Katniss values life in The Hunger Games.  If people valued life like Katniss, this world would be a better world to live in.  Another example of Katniss valuing life is when she honored Rue by laying flowers on her body when she died.  Also, Katniss makes it clear throughout the novel that she does not agree with the Hunger Games.  Katniss recognizes and appreciates human life, and the Hunger Games degrades and abolishes human life; so she strongly disagrees with this form of genocide.  Katniss shows the respect for life that I believe is necessary.  There are so many forms of disrespect of life in our world and I believe we need to return to respecting life.  Life is a precious gift and we should not be the one's determining the worth or extent of others and our own lives.  In conclusion, all humans should not only respect their own lives, but all the lives around them.  Therefore, I truly appreciate Suzanne Collins's display of the theme and moral of valuing human life.

A Different View of Ash

Patience Worth (1883-1937)
Who Said That Love Was Fire?
Who said that love was fire?
I know that love is ash.
It is the thing which remains
When the fire is spent,
The holy essence of experience.

I find this poem very interesting.  It is so short, but it reveals a truth that I do not think people tend to recognize on a daily basis.  This short poem gives ash a new meaning, a different view.  At least it does for me.  A popular image and comparison of love has always been fire.  You can find love being compared to fire and a flame in many modern works of literature.  You can also find love being compared to an everlasting fire in the works of Shakespeare.  Patience Worth gives us a new angle in which to look at love.  Fire is bright, full of heat, color, and life.  Ash is grey, gritty, and usually depressing.  But in reality, it is more realistic to compare love to ash than to fire.  Love does not always stay so alive and heated like a fire, and that feeling does not always mean love.  Also, no fire burns forever, but love can last forever.  Worth compares ash to an experienced love.  Ash is what prevails after a fire has burned out.  Experience is what makes love last, not the flame.  When you continue to love someone past the flame stage is when you gain the experience of truly loving someone. I can believe that love lasts with experience.  Ash is the result of a fire dying out, so the ash is the remains of the fire.  For love, the ash is the love that is present and obtained when the initial attraction that originally brought two people is passed.  I just think this is an uncommon and refreshing image of love.  Normally, ash would not appeal to a person's senses enough to compare it to something as sensational and extraordinary as love, but the way Worth presents the comparison is quite pleasing.  Comparing love to the experienced ash of a dwindled fire is a powerful image.  This poem caught my attention even though it is very short because it contains a new way to view love that is not popularized and overused. 

"What Does the Fox Say?"

Music is a huge part of our daily lives. I am always searching for songs that I am interested in no matter what the genre is. I always keep an open mind when it comes to listening to a piece of music. I found a new song and a recent internet sensation that grabbed my attention. The new song, “What Does the Fox Say” has over 131 millions views on Youtube. I like this song and music video for many reasons. First off, the song is very simple and not too complex. The song starts off by stating the sounds different animals make. For example, the dog goes woof, the cat goes meow, the cow goes moo, and so on and so fourth. The song is so simple, even a three year old child could follow and enjoy it. I also like the music video because it is very creative and original. There are people dressed up in animal costumes dancing and singing along to the song. The next reason I like this song is because of the interesting beat that is used behind the song. The song has a very catchy beat that makes me want to listen to it over and over again. When a song gets stuck in my head and I just want to listen to it several times a day, that’s when I know I found a song I like. The point of the song is, no one knows what the fox says or what noise it makes. The artist describes the noise of the fox with a few different personifications. The singer says the fox makes noises like, “Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding” and “Wa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pa-pow”. These noises are rather comical when the artist is singing them and they really grab your attention.  I am interested in this video because it humors me. This song is very different than other songs from our generation. The songs from our generation sometimes are too similar and more times than not, send a negative message to the listeners. Not only does this song sound good and have a good beat but it is also educational for young toddlers and keeps a clean sense of humor. I think the freedom for people to express themselves in music is vital in today’s world. Besides the humorous sense of the song, this song can be interpreted in a deeper sense. The fox is a mysterious animal and it is a mystery of what it says. Foxes are very majestic creatures and I think the song reflects this in a deeper literary sense. 

Helping People with Science

This article provides information about what physical therapists do, who they work with, and why physical therapy is beneficial.  I think the unique qualities of physical therapists are they work with people of all ages and they can mend many different physical issues.  One day, a physical therapist could be rehabilitating a senior citizen who is recovering from a hip replacement surgery.  The next day, that same physical therapist could be helping mobilize an infant who was born with a muscular defect.  I think it is amazing how a physical therapist can fix a myriad of physical problems such as; sports injuries, day-to-day injuries like falling or pulling muscles, loss of function in a limb from a stroke, birth defects, or loss of strength due to surgery.  Since physical therapists are professionals on how the body moves and works, they are able to help any human being; no matter their size, age, race, gender, etc.  Physical therapists use their immense knowledge of the human body to help people in need.  Physical therapists use their knowledge to rehabilitate people with injuries or defects so they can live normal and comfortable lives by regaining their strength and mobilization.  I just think it is inspiring that physical therapists go through school to gain knowledge that they will use every day to help people they do not even know.  That inspiration of using their expertise to aid people in distress and pain is why I want to become a physical therapist one day.  Attending college and earning a degree is a very difficult goal to achieve.  Becoming a physical therapist will require a lot of work, dedication, long hours, and it will be a challenge.  I know that all the hard work I put into earning my degree and all the knowledge I gain won’t be for nothing.  Every day that I get to witness a patient overcome a physical ailment and every smile I catch a glimpse of because a patient has recognized their triumph will make all the blood, sweat, and tears worth it.  I have seen first hand how physical therapy can benefit someone.  I have witnessed physical therapists rehabilitate my brother from sports injuries, a close family friend from seizures, and my cousin with autism.  I believe that being able to relieve and rehabilitate people of their physical pain will be an amazing and satisfying career that will never get old.